Stay private and access worldwide content

Get access to any content worldwide using LibraVPN. The only free and unlimited premium VPN service.

free and unlimited vpn

App Store

Google play

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App Store

Google play

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Stream everything

Streaming has never been easier. Easily access any major streaming services with no restrictions and view any content worldwide!

Access any content

Geo-restrictions are a thing of the past! By using LibraVPN you can access any web page, app, and more in just 3 clicks.

Browse anonymously

Use LibraVPN browse the web anonymously, from any web page to complex platforms such as payment systems.

Save money

LibraVPN is a free and unlimited VPN service. Why? The internet should remain access-free, without any restrictions and limitations.

Secure your devices

With an AES-256 encryption level over OpenVPN protocol, you can be trust and sure your devices are secured.

Avoid throttling

ISP throttling? No more! With LibraVPN, you will enjoy minimum speed throttling and get the best speed for your online activities.

network scalability

Looking to get more out of LibraVPN? We ae constantly improving our servers, and any requirement is welcomed!

Remote Access

Access social networks, payment platforms, email accounts and more to avoid malware and fraudulent activity.

Our Servers Locations








Hong Kong

United States

Why Free?

Yes! Why shouldn’t it be?

Geo-targeted web restrictions are a pain, and we get that. That’s why we’ve come up with the concept that free access to anywhere on the web should be available to everybody. 

Using LibraVPN, you can protect your online privacy, hide your IP address, and go around geo-restricted content, viewing content from every location you desire.

LibraVPN is offering 100% free VPN with no bandwidth limits, no fine prints, and no account creation needed.